Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

We went to Mainstay Farms to get our Christmas Tree this year. We went last year and loved it so much that we went back. Ok, so our tree is a little charlie brownish every year but we love it and the kids have a BLAST picking it out. It is only up in the house for a couple of weeks anyway right?

Sweet Girl!
On the hunt! Emmie was very serious, she was on a mission!
Daddy cutting "the perfect tree" down.

The man getting ready to load it.

Swing time!

A little sliding!

Wait for me...........

Totally him!

These 3 went down the 50 ft slide (about 3 times), I waited at the bottom of the hill!

The maze!

The new jumping bag, very cool the kids loved it! All except for the kid that kept pushing them down. He pushed Jax down and Mama got a little mad, he pushed Emmie and well Em took off after him to tell him that was rude and that we don't push. When he did it again to Jax and another kid I went in. I took the shoes off and climbed right on the jumping bag and told the kid to stop. At this point other parents were mad and we were ALL wondering where his parents were. Well when we were leaving we saw his dad (who was sitting on the bench THE WHOLE TIME). AHHHHH, parents who want others to take care of their kids drive me crazy! Needless to say he never addressed the issue, but why would he!

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