Sunday, November 28, 2010

How lovely are your branches!

After going to the Christmas tree farm we came home and got to work. We (Chad) cut and trimmed and got the tree ready. He brought it in and we decorated it. We had fun, we laughed, danced, sang, cried (Emmie) and held hands around the tree once it was finished and sang Oh Christmas Tree. Em started this tradition last year! We kinda like it! :)

On the way home, resting up for some decorating!

Ready to go! Our new tree topper that Gammy got us!
We both had to pretend to wear it!
Silly Kids!
Gotta water the tree!

What is it with these kids and hats!

Em being Em! All personality!

Emmie got upset and started to cry because she wanted to put the star (hat) on the top! It was really Jax's year but he was so kind to her (and always is) that he said she could do it too. But first he put on my hat that I use in my photo shoots to try and make her laugh. He did alright!

Dancy, dancy dance!

Fall because that always makes us laugh!

Off to give her the hat!

He put the hat on her, bahahahah! This is so funny and cute all at the same time. She did finally come out of her funk and all was good!

Take one!

Take Two!

Em being the photographer again!

Our sweet little tree!

My babies 2010!

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