Saturday, February 5, 2011

What makes your Smile shine?

We got the note home for the Science Fair at school and Em was in. She LOVES school and anything about it. This was new and fun so here we go. Science Fair here we come! She was fixing to get her expander from the dentist so teeth was on her mind. When I asked her what she wanted to do, she said something with teeth. So we talked and it came to me, what if we researched which tooth paste make your teeth the whitest and Em loved it! So off to the research table. Em knew exactly how she wanted it to look and what she wanted to do I just had to figure out how we were going to prove it. I looked up what is the closest thing to teeth and I found out it was eggs. Who would have thought, so we tea stained the eggs then tested the different tooth paste out! She had fun, but it was a big undertaking! We finished it one day when she was home with Strep Throat. She did 90% of the whole project, we couldn't be more proud of her. She even typed it out!

The final project!

Brushing the eggs!

Can you tell which one was whiter?

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