Friday, December 24, 2010

Do you wan't some FLU with your Cookies Santa?

On Christmas Eve, we were home with the Flu. We didn't go to Gammy and Pop's so we wouldn't get anyone else sick. We were sad and it wasn't the same but we made the most of it and had a great day hanging out just us. The night before Chad and I made our Santa Cookie and for those of you who know me know that I don't bake. Well I researched it and got a WONDERFUL cookie recipe so we made them and got them all ready to decorate. Th next morning we all got up and took a shower and got into fresh jammies and decorated our cookies. We had Christmas music on and had a lot of laughs!

Sick Boy!

Look at that sweet face!
Ok, this is funny, I blew dried Emmie's hair and when it as time to decorate she had pulled her hair up. She said look mom I have a bump like you! Bahahaha! Love her!
Jax an all hyped up on breathing treatments!

Look mom it looks like my PJ's!

Santa Cookie, BEWARE!

Just for you Santa!

We decided to open our gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve since we were all here and had nothing else to do. First the kids wanted us to open the gifts from them. They were so sweet they made me a necklace and made Chad some paper airplanes. Em was so into the giving spirit that she gathered things around the house and wrapped them. She gave Jax some of his toys that he forgot he had! It is the thought that counts right?

Mama and Jax man! (no makeup, excuse me please)

Em getting her baby car seat!

Big Sister checking out what little man is getting!

Em got him some Nerf guns and Jax got Em a walking, eating, pooping dog! They get each other something every year. We feel this is important so they understand why we give to others. We also give to angels and they both understood this a lot more this year and had fun getting things for other kids.

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