Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Carving and Scarecrow Day!

We have a tradition that the night that we carve our pumpkin we all wear pj's watch a Halloween movie and eat some kind of Halloween treat. I don't remember if we blogged about it last year but Jax had a horrible gag reflux and last year when he stuck his spoon into the pumpkin he gaged so bad that I tried to get it on video but was laughing so hard that I couldn't. This year he didn't disappoint, he was gaging just watching Chad and Em pulling out the guts. We did get it on video and it could EASY will AFV. Whew, it still makes me laugh to think about it! Any way we craved, ate, watched and had fun doing it!

You can see his face here kinda, he was starting the gag right here!

Em just being dramatic!

She really liked it this year!

Every year she wants to bake the seeds and every year we do and she HATES them!

Yep just as good as last year! YUCK!

The finished project!

Pretty Cool!

The next day at school the whole kindergarten dressed up as scarecrows. Here is our little scarecrow! Isn't she cute! My sister made these overalls for my nieces and so now all 3 girls have worn them in kindergarten. Jax man will get his own! I think he would get made fun of in these.

Here the both are going to school! Cute!

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