Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day!

Emmie was SO excited about the first day of school! She woke up to her alarm (which she thought was pretty cool) and was dressed and ready to go. She acted like she wasn't nervous at all but she didn't eat a thing for breakfast! Daddy and I took her and waited for her class to walk down the hall from the pit. She was beaming from ear to ear, she thought she was so cool! They all looked so cute. All 4 of her little girl friends are in her class and she has the most WONDERFUL teacher that anyone could ask for. Her teacher and I have boot camp together and have gotten to know each other pretty good before school started. She is wonderful and so good for Em. It is going on the 4th week of school and Em loves is so much that she can't stand it. She thinks that it is so cool and that Ms. Sonderer hung the moon (so do I). She has gotten homework and her first project and just loves it all! It is hard to believe that my sweet girl is in Kindergarten!

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