Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Big 3!

What a big guy! My Jax Man is 3. I no longer have babies but big kids, WOW! Jax's Birthday was the day after school started and as crazy of a time as it was at our house. It was a special night and we weren't going to do anything any different than we do for any other (real) Birthday! I set up the banners, the cupcake tower as they call it, got the dishes he wanted to use, the glasses he wanted out and fixed his favorite dinner. Jax is just now getting to the age that he is understanding all of this. He said he wanted grilled cheese and french fries. Okey Dokey, that is what you get! He got Dinosaur shaped grilled cheese and curly fries with apple juice in nothing less than wine glasses. HE LOVED it and since then he has wanted all his grilled cheese or any sandwich in Dino shapes!

Dino Shapes! Even Em ate them! WOW!
He knows it's his Birthday and I won't get mad at him for jumping on the bed!
Em was the little photographer that night! She took this pic! VERY GOOD depth of field, Emmie!

Blow it out little man!

A little help from Daddy!

So proud of his cupcakes!

What is a Birthday with out a surprise!

Happy Birthday my sweet sweet little man, I hope you like your new leapster and leapster case! We love you so very much!

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